Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome Baby!

On Tuesday, I experienced one of life's most wonderful joys-a new creation-a new baby. Each time I see a birth, I am in awe. I am in awe of the wonderful blessing it is to finally meet someone whom you have been waiting for. It is the happiest to see the reactions on the faces in the room; there is crying, there are smiles, there is a peace in the room. What a great time to reflect on the biggest blessings that God gave to us.
One mother asked me why labor had to hurt. "Well, hun," I said. "It is because everything comes as a cost, whether it is pain or suffering or even sacrifice, but in the end, we know that we worked to receive the prize before us." I truly believe what I told her. Unfortunately nothing in life is really free or easy to accomplish or achieve or receive, but knowing that we put our best effort into this task or journey, gives us a sense of resolve. This opens up room in our hearts to take in the warmth of the love that surrounds us.
Here is a beautiful blessing that God brought this week and I was honored to be a part of it. Introducing baby Salem.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Recommended Resources for Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can be the best experience you ever have with your child in their infancy. This special bond is precious and incredible. There are many women who have tried breastfeeding and had been unsuccessful for one reason or another. I am here to say that if you have the resources and are willing to make it your desire, than you will be more successful.

Personally, my first child did not do well at the beginning with latching on. We, (I mean my son, my husband, and I) all shed some tears during that time. We did not have the care that we needed at the hospital in the middle of the night and we felt confused and we were about to waive our white flag...all of this on the first night! My son was hungry and we couldn't get comfortable and it was a disaster. I did not read about breastfeeding, because no one told me that it could be a challenge at first. I thought it was a natural event where the baby knew exactly what to do and we would not have any problems. We were wrong. For days we struggled with getting him to latch. We found that using a supplemental nurser worked best and the breast shield helped for a bit, but what really worked was our determination.

The greatest news is that my son finally latched on and we were extremely happy. When we were about to have our second child, I knew that I needed to read up a bit more and find resources about successful breastfeeding to have a better start. I did read a bit and determined to breastfeed once again-even if the beginning might be a challenge like before. Well, this time, my daughter did latch on perfectly and we were successful at that, however, on our second night at the hospital, we hit that point again. She had issues with her latch and she was very hungry. This time I knew what to ask for. I asked the nurse to find me a supplemental nurser. Once my daughter had a taste, she latched on successfully and we never had to use the nurser again and we were fine from that day on. I loved nursing my children, even though there were a few bumps in the beginning.

Now, after studying several books and videos and working with experts, I feel very confident to be able to refer clients to several resources available to them. Below are books and sites that are truly helpful for those planning to breastfeed, or those who are already doing so. These resources can help you have better experiences.

Also, if you need personal assistance, I am available for consultation, however, there are IBLC's in Longview/Kelso. An (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) can help with tough situations and concerns that you may have.

The Breastfeeding Book: Everything You Need to Know About Nursing Your Child from Birth Through Weaning
Author: Martha & William Sears
Bestfeeding: How to Breastfeed Your Baby
Author: Mary Renfrew, Chloe Fisher & Suzanne Arms

Dr. Jack Newman:

Motherwear Blog: