Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Support BABIES with me!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Labor at Home for Early Labor
- During this phase you should just relax. It is not necessary for you to rush to the hospital or birth center. It will be more comfortable for you to spend this time at home, in familiar territory. If early labor is during the day you should do simple routines around the house. Keep yourself occupied but still conserve some of your energy. Drink plenty of water and eat small snacks. Keep track of the time of your contractions.If early labor begins during the night it is a good idea to try and get some sleep. If you can’t fall asleep, do things that will distract you like cleaning out your closet, packing your bag, or making sack lunches for the next day.
The Benefits of Laboring at Home
*You may be more at ease in the comfort of your own home.
*You can move around freely without the monitoring required by hospital staff and procedures.
*Labor sometimes improves at home.
*Family and friends can support you at home.
Comfort Measures
If you labor at home, these things might make you more comfortable:
~Taking a warm bath
~Resting in a bed
~Rocking in a rocking chair
~Listening to music
~Drinking liquids
~Having a massage
~Fold Baby Clothes
~Doing last minute things for the baby or for your other children
~Finish packing your bag/and partner's bag
~Don't wear yourself out with too much activity! This is a time to rest, relax and prepare yourself for the birth of your baby.
~Bake-Don't laugh, baking is a great way to spend early labor. This is a fun labor project that can help you relax and go about normal activities. I'd suggest baking some cookies or brownies to take with you to the hospital. Can you imagine how happy the nurses will be to see you with a plate of goodies? Some couples also choose to make a birth day cake to eat after the baby is born.
Also-Please contact your doctor/midwife and doula. Let them know what is going on. Watch for warning signs: bleeding, dizzyness, nausea, sharp cramping, water breaking.