Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome Baby!

On Tuesday, I experienced one of life's most wonderful joys-a new creation-a new baby. Each time I see a birth, I am in awe. I am in awe of the wonderful blessing it is to finally meet someone whom you have been waiting for. It is the happiest to see the reactions on the faces in the room; there is crying, there are smiles, there is a peace in the room. What a great time to reflect on the biggest blessings that God gave to us.
One mother asked me why labor had to hurt. "Well, hun," I said. "It is because everything comes as a cost, whether it is pain or suffering or even sacrifice, but in the end, we know that we worked to receive the prize before us." I truly believe what I told her. Unfortunately nothing in life is really free or easy to accomplish or achieve or receive, but knowing that we put our best effort into this task or journey, gives us a sense of resolve. This opens up room in our hearts to take in the warmth of the love that surrounds us.
Here is a beautiful blessing that God brought this week and I was honored to be a part of it. Introducing baby Salem.

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